Connecticut University. US: A new study estimates that approximately a half million teens struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating can cause serious physical problems and, at their most severe, can even be life-threatening. As we mark National Eating Disorders Awareness Week Feb. 22-28, we asked UConn Health’s child and adolescent psychologist Karen Steinberg-Gallucci about the impact social media may have and some tips on how to approach a friend or family member who may be suffering from an eating disorder.
Some health experts are warning of the dangers of the “selfie” culture for those with eating disorders. Why is that a concern?
I think anytime there is a preoccupation with physical appearance,
whether through magazines, TV, or movies, promoting unrealistic images
that are unattainable for most women or girls, this creates a risk for
eating disorders. The “selfie” culture is another example of being
excessively concerned with physical attributes to the neglect of other,
more meaningful qualities about a person.
Do you think our obsession with smart phones and social networking has contributed to the rise in eating disorders?
I wouldn’t be surprised. There is a compulsive quality to the use of
these devices and the social networks for many people. They become a way
of distracting oneself or escaping from difficult or uncomfortable
feelings, such as boredom, sadness, frustration. Whenever we become
habituated to “getting away” from our immediate state, we become
vulnerable to addictions, compulsions. I would consider eating disorders
in that category – the drive to attain a certain physical ideal and the
willingness to engage in accompanying behaviors (such as starvation, or
purging) which are detrimental to one’s health and well-being.
If someone suspects a friend might have an eating disorder, what should they do?
As with many types of concerns, I think it can be helpful to find a
gentle and supportive way of discussing eating disorders with a friend.
They might first identify a good time to bring up the concern. They can
do three things: share their observations, express concern, and offer
help. Example:
Hi ___, I’m wondering if we could find some time to talk. There’s something that’s been on my mind. I’ve noticed over the past few months that you don’t seem to eat very much and don’t seem to enjoy food anymore. I remember we used to love to go out to lunch and now you aren’t interested. I’m concerned because it seems like you’ve lost some weight and I’m worried about your health. I hope it’s okay to say these things as your friend. And if there is anything you’d like to talk about,
I’m here. I’d love to be helpful to you if I can, and I know there are
really good people who work with these issues that you might want to
talk to.
What are important things to say and important things not to say when talking with someone who might have an eating disorder?
I think it’s important not to come across as judging, disapproving,
or as though you have all of the answers. It’s also not a good idea to
use jargon, or potentially stigmatizing terms. Your goal could be to
foster an openness to looking at this issue, rather than eliciting
shame. For example, saying “you look really skinny” would not be advised
because it could be shaming, and also focuses too much on a physical
Tennis champion Monica Seles is now the face
of a new public service campaign about binge eating disorder. She
suffered privately for more than a decade before speaking out. Is her
story typical – even though she was an elite athlete?
Yes, many athletes, dancers, actresses, and actors suffer from eating
disorders. There is so much pressure within these professions and
activities to adhere to a certain standard of physical beauty or an
ideal body type that many develop problems as a result. They cannot find
a healthy way of adhering to these goals, and the goals seem more
important than their personal health and well-being. We must share some
of the responsibility as a culture in the way that we generously reward
athletes, models, actors for attaining ideals such as being beautiful,
thin, winning athletic titles, even while knowing they are harming
themselves – such as self-starvation, binging and purging, ingesting
steroids for improved athletic performance, sustaining multiple
concussions and continuing to engage in the sport – in order to achieve
these goals.
Seles is also a spokesperson for Shire Pharmaceuticals, which produced the first drug approved to treat Binge Eating Disorder, Vyvanse. How does it work?
It is in the drug class of stimulants. It has been indicated and used
to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It recently received
approval for Binge Eating Disorder.