Monday, January 26, 2015

First rank symptoms for schizophrenia

Cochrane: It is important for patients with psychosis to be correctly diagnosed as soon as possible. The earlier schizophrenia is diagnosed the better the treatment outcome. However, other diseases sometimes have similar psychotic symptoms as schizophrenia, for example bipolar disorders.

This review looks at how accurate First Rank Symptoms (FRS) are at diagnosing schizophrenia. FRS are symptoms that people with psychosis may experience, for example hallucinations, hearing voices and thinking that other people can hear their thoughts. We found 21 studies, with 6253 participants, that looked at how good FRS are at diagnosing schizophrenia when compared to a diagnosis made by a psychiatrist. These studies showed that for people who actually have schizophrenia, FRS would only correctly diagnose just over half of them as schizophrenic. For people who do not have schizophrenia, almost 20% would be incorrectly diagnosed with schizophrenia. Therefore, if a person is experiencing a FRS, schizophrenia is a possible diagnosis, but there is also a chance that it is another mental health disorder. We do not recommend that FRS alone can be used to diagnose schizophrenia. However, FRS could be useful to triage patients who need to be assessed by a psychiatrist. - See more at: