Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Weight loss surgery 'not a quick fix' for good health

Weight loss surgery, such as fitting a gastric band, usually results in significant weight loss.
But this weight loss doesn't automatically lead to improvements in important markers for metabolic health, such as insulin sensitivity.
A low level of insulin sensitivity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
In a new study, 128 adults were randomised into two groups. One group received a six-month moderate
exercise programme, while the other received a six-month health education programme.
After six months, those that followed the exercise programme had better insulin sensitivity than those following the educational programme.
But the picture was not completely clear. Quite a few people dropped out of the study or did not adhere to the six-month exercise programme fully.
This could mean the programme as a whole would not yield any significantly better improvements at a population level.
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