Wednesday, July 1, 2015

From a bad salad to the Black Death: evolution of a killer

Scimex: Scientists have pinpointed the exact genetic point at which the bug behind the Black Death which killed 75 to 200 million people in Europe in the 14th Century - Yersinia pestis - evolved from a relatively benign gastric bug into a deadly killer. The researchers found that ancient types of the bacteria, after swapping genetic material, gained a gene that made them cause pneumonic plague. Later, another genetic change made them highly infectious - resulting in bacteria that are not only deadly but have the potential for pandemic spread.

The plague-causing bacterium Yersinia pestis first evolved the ability to cause often fatal, pneumonic disease and then developed its highly infectious nature, a study in this week's Nature Communications reveals. The transitions were underpinned by relatively simple molecular changes, suggesting that other respiratory pathogens could possibly emerge via a similar route.

Sometime in the last 10,000 years, the bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, which causes mild gastrointestinal problems, evolved into Yersinia pestis, which causes different types of plague including bubonic, septicemic and the most deadly and infectious form, pneumonic plague. Wyndham Lathem and colleagues now use 'ancestral' isolates of Y. pestis, representing intermediate lineages between the two species, to retrace the evolution of the bacteria and show how this transition occurred.

Ancient strains of Y. pestis acquired a single gene that gave them the ability to cause pneumonic plague. Then later, a single amino acid change in the protein encoded by that gene was enough to make more modern strains of the bacteria highly infectious. The result was a perfect storm; a bacterium that is not only deadly, but that has the potential for pandemic spread.