Scimex: Mimicking nature, Australian scientists have developed a protective
seashell-inspired capsule to preserve the active biological ingredients
needed to create promising new drugs. Published in the journal Nature Communications, the development
overcomes a critical challenge in biomedicine by ensuring important
proteins remain effective in hostile environments. The new shell developed by CSIRO, The University of Adelaide and the
Australian Synchrotron, could hold the key to cost-effectively
preserving and extending the shelf-life of vaccines in extreme
temperatures without refrigeration.
This could significantly benefit healthcare in developing countries
where life-saving vaccines often need to be transported over long
distances to reach everyone who needs them.
“Like a house is made of bricks, living organisms are made up of
proteins which play a critical role in the body,” CSIRO lead researcher
Dr Kang Liang said.
“But unlike bricks, proteins are fragile and their function alters or perishes when exposed to heat, pressure and pollutants.
“Inspired by a sea urchin’s outer shell, which supports and protects its
fragile body, we’ve come up with a porous shell that grows around
important proteins such as enzymes to protect them on the inside.
“Our shell offers a low-cost solution to protecting proteins for making
and enhancing drugs and other products where sensitivity has long been
an issue.”
The shell is made of an extremely porous material called metal organic
frameworks (MOFs) that has a flexible and customisable cage-like
“The shell’s tiny cage holes are similar to a sea creature’s pores and
are designed to capture, trap or release specific biomolecules,” Dr
Liang said.
It also paves the way to making new and improved consumer products. For
example, shell-encapsulated enzymes in laundry washing powder would
perform better, resulting in cleaner, softer and more fragrant clothing
in less time.
CSIRO research team leader, Dr Paolo Falcaro said they are now seeking
industry partners to develop the technology for specific applications
including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, chemical and food processing,
water decontamination and screening for genetic disease.
“We are currently investigating important biomolecules including DNA, antibodies and those used in vaccines,” Dr Falcaro said.
“Based on our laboratory trials, the shell could protect a vaccine vial
for only a few dollars and at a commercial scale we would work to make
it even cheaper.
"This cost is insignificant when a vaccine can cost up to hundreds of dollars per dose.”
CSIRO is developing a range of technologies for making and using MOFs
that span capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, separating and
storing gases, and decontaminating water and soils.
These technologies offer industry significant productivity and environmental benefits.
Later this year, Dr Liang will join fellow CSIRO colleague Dr Paul
Berkman and 11 other young Australians who were selected to attend the
65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – the Oscars equivalent of the
science world.
Companies interested in developing the shell technology should contact The full paper can be accessed at Nature Communications.