British Columbia: New research from UBC and the Child & Family Research Institute
at BC Children’s Hospital shows that risky outdoor play is not only good
for children’s health but also encourages creativity, social skills and
resilience. The findings, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
found that children who participated in physical activity such as
climbing and jumping, rough and tumble play and exploring alone,
displayed greater physical and social health.
“We found that play environments where children could take risks
promoted increased play time, social interactions, creativity and
resilience,” said Mariana Brussoni, lead author of the study, and
assistant professor in UBC’s School of Population and Public Health and
Department of Pediatrics. “These positive results reflect the importance
of supporting children’s risky outdoor play opportunities as a means of
promoting children’s health and active lifestyles.”
Playgrounds that offer natural elements such as trees and plants,
changes in height, and freedom for children to engage in activities of
their own choosing, have positive impacts on health, behaviour and
social development.
“These spaces give children a chance to learn about risk and learn
about their own limits,” said Brussoni, also a scientist in the British
Columbia Injury Research & Prevention Unit at the Child & Family
Research Institute at BC Children’s Hospital.
Safety concerns, such as injury, were seen as the main reason for
limiting risky outdoor play. Researchers found that playground safety
standards and too much supervision prevented children from engaging in
risky activities.
“Monitoring children’s activities may be a more appropriate approach
than active supervision, particularly for older children,” said
Brussoni. “We recommend considering policy, practice and built
environment approaches to risky outdoor play that balance safety with
children’s other health outcomes.”