Author : Dr Howard Panitch the Division of Pulmonary Medicine The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA
Bronchiolitis refers to inflammation of the bronchioles. Bronchioles
are small airways (less than two mm in diameter in adults) in the lower
respiratory tract that do not contain cartilage in their walls
(figure). The majority of children who develop viral bronchiolitis are less than two years of age.
most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants and toddlers is
infection, usually by a virus, and the most common virus to cause acute
infectious bronchiolitis in infants and toddlers is respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV). Other viruses that cause bronchiolitis include influenza and parainfluenza viruses, rhinovirus, and adenovirus (1). A
recently described agent (though evidence of its role in bronchiolitis
has been present for more than 20 years) is Human Metapneumovirus
(hMPV), which is genetically related to RSV (2). In children up to five years of age, a non-viral, non-bacterial organism called Mycoplasma pneumoniae can also cause bronchiolitis.
Older children and adults experience infections with the same viruses, but usually they do not develop acute bronchiolitis. One reason for this concerns a change in the distribution of airway resistances that occurs with age. The
bronchioles, or small airways of the lung, are considered a “silent
zone” in adults, because collectively they offer little (about 10% of
the total) resistance to airflow within the lung. As a
result, diseases that cause small airway obstruction usually do not
cause prominent symptoms in older children and adults, until the
obstruction becomes widespread and severe. The bronchioles of infants
and children, however, contribute about 50% to total airway resistance
in the lung. Because of this, even small increases in bronchiolar resistance will cause symptoms in infants.
the majority of infants, the course of bronchiolitis is short-lived and
there is no permanent scarring of the lung tissue or airways. Many
children, however, will develop post-bronchiolitis wheezing during
subsequent respiratory illnesses, and asthma is seen more frequently in
populations of children who acquired bronchiolitis in infancy. It is not
known whether infection at an early age changes the behavior of airways
resulting in subsequent recurrent episodes of wheezing, or if
bronchiolitis is merely a marker that identifies those infants who would
otherwise go on to have recurrent episodes of wheezing.
The Impact of Bronchiolitis on Infants and Toddlers
In the majority of studies that focus on the viruses causing bronchiolitis, RSV is found most frequently. As a result, it is the best studied of all of the viruses that cause bronchiolitis. Approximately 65% of all children will be infected with RSV within the first year of life. By age 2 years, almost everyone has experienced an RSV illness (3). Most children develop only upper respiratory symptoms, including nasal discharge and cough. Approximately
25 - 40% of all infants who become infected with RSV will develop
bronchiolitis, but only 1 – 2% requires hospitalization. While
this number seems small, it has been estimated that in the US more than
120,000 infants and toddlers are hospitalized because of an RSV lower
respiratory tract infection (LRTI, either bronchiolitis or pneumonia)
annually (4). In
fact, in the United States, RSV LRTI is the leading cause of
hospitalization of infants under one year of age, accounting for 11% of
all hospitalizations in that age group (5).
While bronchiolitis is a very common cause of illness in children, in developed countries it does not usually cause death: among all children hospitalized with an RSV LRTI, the mortality rate is approximately 0.2 – 0.5% (6). The
mortality rate is higher (approximately 3 - 4%) in those children with
certain underlying conditions like chronic lung disease, congenital
heart disease, prematurity, or age less than 6 weeks at time of
infection. Globally, however, RSV infection directly or
indirectly accounts for 600,000 to 1,000,000 deaths in children less
than 5 years of age annually, making it the second most important human
childhood respiratory pathogen.
report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), using
estimates based on discharge data from the National Hospital Discharge
Survey, showed that over a 17-year period from 1980 to 1996,
bronchiolitis-related hospitalizations accounted for approximately seven
million inpatient hospital days (4). The
number of hospitalizations among infants less than six months of age
increased 239% from the beginning to the end of the observation period. Over the same epoch, hospitalizations from other respiratory pathogens remained constant.
The factors causing this tremendous increase in bronchiolitis-related hospitalizations are not clear. Some
people wonder if the use of pulse oximetry (a non-invasive method to
measure the amount of oxygen in the blood) in emergency rooms and
doctors’ offices to detect low oxygen levels is a cause. This technology was not readily available in the early part of the observation period (the early 1980s). As
a result, at the start of the study some infants who were mildly ill,
but who also had a modest reduction in oxygen levels, might not have
been admitted into the hospital, whereas those infants would have been
detected at the end of the observation period. Such infants, however, probably represent a small contribution to the overall number of infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. Others
wonder if the growing number of premature babies and multiple-gestation
infants created through in vitro fertilization explain the increase. The
majority of infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis, however, are babies
born full term who do not have underlying conditions. The
most likely explanation for the increase probably relates to the
growing trend for families to place their infants in day care to allow
both parents to work. Day care attendance has been recognized as one of the strongest risk factors for infants to acquire an RSV infection.
The Epidemiology of RSV: Who it Affects, Where and When it Occurs
temperate climates, RSV infections are detected primarily during annual
outbreaks that occur between October and April, and which peak during
the winter months. An “epidemic” is present when more
than10% of all specimens tested are positive, or when at least half of
the laboratories that report results to the CDC note any RSV detected
for 2 consecutive weeks. The start and end of RSV
epidemics vary regionally, with Southern states reporting the earliest
onset of the epidemic (beginning in late August and concluding in
mid-May), with later onset in the northeast (late November lasting to
early May), and the latest onset in the Midwest (early December through
late May). Some states (Florida, Hawaii) report RSV at epidemic levels year-round. The surveillance data are posted on the CDC website so that trends in epidemiology can be tracked ( The immune response to RSV is limited, so everyone experiences repeated RSV infections throughout life. Usually, people have enough of an immune memory so that subsequent RSV infections are confined to the upper respiratory tract. Some infants, however, can experience repeated episodes of bronchiolitis with RSV, even in the same season.
previously healthy infants born full-term constitute the largest number
of babies hospitalized with bronchiolitis, there are certain groups of
infants who are considered at especially high risk to develop an
infection severe enough to require hospitalization (7). These include infants born prematurely (less than or equal to
28 weeks and under one year of age at the onset of the RSV season, or
less than 36 weeks gestation and under six months at the onset of the
RSV season), infants with chronic lung disease, and infants with
congenital heart disease. Full term infants who acquire an
RSV infection within the first six weeks of life are also considered to
be at increased risk for more serious disease. Infants born with neuromuscular disease and a weak cough are likely to experience a severe course of bronchiolitis. Children with immunodeficiencies often have prolonged courses of bronchiolitis.
How RSV Infection Causes Bronchiolitis
RSV infects cells lining the respiratory tract. The portal of entry is through cells that line the nose or the eyes. From
there, infected secretions can be breathed into the lower respiratory
tract, and enter the lining cells of the small airways. After entering a
cell, the virus replicates and is released when the cell bursts open
and dies. This process causes release of inflammatory
substances that in turn cause swelling and inflammation of the small
airways, and a resultant narrowing of the airway opening. The inflammatory mediators also stimulate mucus glands to produce and secrete mucus into the airways. The openings of the airways become filled with mucus and debris from dead lining cells. In some infants and young children, airway smooth muscle contracts and contributes to airway obstruction.
The Clinical Presentation of Bronchiolitis
infection of the lower respiratory tract in infants results in a
well-described clinical entity, marked by coughing, rapid breathing, and
wheezing. A hallmark of RSV infection in infants is profuse nasal discharge, with thin, clear secretions. In
young infants (less than three months of age), breathing normally
occurs primarily through the nose, and having a swollen, stuffy nose may
be enough to cause the infant to have respiratory distress, or to have
difficulty drinking a bottle. Infants with bronchiolitis
often also have fever, and the combination of decreased fluid intake
because of respiratory distress, and increased fluid requirements from
fever and more rapid breathing can lead to dehydration.
Between one and three days after the onset of a runny nose, coughing begins. Infants with severe bronchiolitis will demonstrate rapid breathing, and the breathing pattern will also appear more labored. Indrawing
of the skin between the ribs or above the collar bones (retractions)
reflects the increased effort necessary to overcome the elevated
resistance to airflow resulting from small airway obstruction. Retractions
that occur below the rib cage are another manifestation of airway
obstruction, and represent overinflation or air trapping in the lung. As a result of obstruction, the level of oxygen in the blood can decrease. As
the degree of obstruction becomes more severe, the infant’s breathing
efforts can become so labored that the infant becomes fatigued and
respiratory failure ensues. Parents should contact the infant’s physician if any of the following is present in their baby:
· Very rapid breathing
· Increased
breathing effort (the skin in between the ribs, under the ribcage, or
at the neck draws in with each breath, the nostrils flare, or there is a
“see-saw” motion between the chest wall and abdomen) (Photos at right
of retractions with permission of Daniel Schidlow, M.D.)
· Inadequate
fluid intake with dehydration (fewer wet diapers, when the baby cries
there are no tears, or the inside of the mouth is dry or tacky)

· If there is any concern about the welfare of your baby, it is always better to check with your physician and review your baby’s symptoms
The symptoms of bronchiolitis typically resolve in about seven to ten days, usually without the need for directed treatment. Infants
with risk factors for severe disease are more likely to develop
respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation early in the course
of the illness, and the duration of illness will also be protracted.
the clinical presentation of bronchiolitis is stereotypical, there are
instances in which a confirmation of the infecting agent is desirable
(for epidemiological data, grouping hospitalized patients, infants less
than two months old with fever, immunocompromised hosts). There are several types of rapid tests that can be performed on washings taken from the infant’s nose. Depending
on the type of tests being used, virology laboratories can detect the
most common viruses to cause bronchiolitis in minutes to hours. “Rapid
respiratory panels” are available to detect RSV, influenza A and B,
parainfluenza, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, and adenovirus.
Therapy for Bronchiolitis
Fluid replacement and supplemental oxygen use
mainstays of therapy for this self-limited illness (meaning that it
typically resolves without a need for intervention) are careful fluid
replacement and administration of supplemental oxygen to infants with
low oxygen levels. The first goal of fluid therapy is to
replace the infant’s deficit that has occurred from decreased intake and
increased losses resulting from fever and rapid breathing. In addition, ongoing fluid needs must be met. Infants are hospitalized when they require supplemental oxygen, usually determined by pulse oximetry. Alternately,
if an infant breathes so quickly that he is unable to drink, or
dehydration has already developed, the infant should be hospitalized to
receive intravenous fluids. Sometimes, infants who develop
swallowing difficulties because of their rapid breathing will be given
formula through a tube passed from the nose into the stomach. If
an infant appears distressed, is very young, or at increased risk
because of underlying conditions, or the parents are distressed because
of the degree of the infant’s illness, hospitalization for close
monitoring and supportive care should be considered.
A number of therapies have been used to try to overcome the various causes of airway obstruction in infants with bronchiolitis. Since
the disease is self-limited, many of the therapies used impact
minimally on the duration of symptoms or length of hospitalization. An
expert panel recently reviewed many of the therapies commonly used in
infants with bronchiolitis, and published recommendations in a statement
from the American Academy of Pediatrics (8).
Chest physiotherapy
the events that lead to airway obstruction are considered, it is easy
to understand why many of the therapies used in infants with
bronchiolitis have been attempted. Since swollen airways
become filled with cellular debris and mucus that further obstruct the
airways, maneuvers that help to clear the airways of secretions might
reduce the obstruction and help infants to recover more quickly. For
infants hospitalized on a general ward with moderate bronchiolitis,
however, there are no data to support the routine use of chest
physiotherapy to hasten resolution of symptoms. This may
not be true for infants with severe disease who develop impending
respiratory failure, or who develop large areas of lung collapse
(atelectasis). The effect of chest physiotherapy on outcomes of such complications of bronchiolitis has not been studied.
infants who have bronchiolitis demonstrate wheezing on examination, so
practitioners often associate the illness with asthma, another common
wheezing illness in children. As a result, bronchodilators
and steroids, both of which are mainstays of therapy for acute asthma
exacerbations, are frequently used in infants with bronchiolitis. Bronchodilators like albuterol act by relaxing the smooth muscle in the walls of the airways. Not
all infants with bronchiolitis will have increased tone of airway
smooth muscle (bronchospasm), but approximately one third of infants
will demonstrate some response to bronchodilators. Another third will have no response, and in another third wheezing might actually increase. There are no demographic factors that predict how a particular infant will respond to bronchodilator therapy. If
the infant is symptomatic enough for bronchodilator use to be
considered, the medications should only be used after a critical
evaluation of their response in the infant. This is easily
done by examination of the infant before and again 10 – 15 minutes
after administration of the drug by either small volume nebulizer (a
device that administers medication as a liquid mist) or metered-dose
inhaler (The photo at right is a metered dose inhaler attached to a
valved holding chamber and mask for use in infants and toddlers). Reduction in respiratory rate, degree of chest retractions, and wheezing are all signs of bronchodilator responsiveness. Bronchodilators
in liquid form that have to be swallowed have not been shown to be
effective in the small number of infants in whom they have been
critically evaluated. Furthermore, they take longer to
work and expose the infant to a much higher dose of the medication
compared with the inhaled route, so that side effects are more common.
Corticosteroids, like prednisone or dexamethasone, are medications that reduce inflammation. They
are particularly useful in reducing the “allergic” type of inflammation
typically found in the airways during asthma exacerbations. The
inflammatory cells most commonly found in the airways of infants with
bronchiolitis, however, are different from the inflammatory cells in the
airways of asthmatics. This is one reason why
corticosteroid use does not impact significantly on the course of
infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. Another reason
that steroids are not overly effective in truncating the course of
bronchiolitis involves the time course of release of inflammatory
mediators. By the time an infant becomes symptomatic with
bronchiolitis, the release of inflammatory mediators has already been
well established.
There is some suggestion, however, that
the sickest infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis, including those
who require mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure, are more
likely to experience a beneficial response to steroid administration
with a reduction in the duration of hospitalization. It is important to note that there is little “down side” to the use of steroids. Steroid
administration is associated with prolonged shedding of virus from the
respiratory tract, but this is not associated with prolongation of
illness. Specifically, there are no reports of infants who
received systemic (intravenous, intramuscular or enteral) steroids
experiencing a more severe or protracted course of bronchiolitis. Furthermore, when steroids are used to treat bronchiolitis, the course is typically short (less than two weeks). In this brief period of time, it is unlikely that serious side effects related to steroid use will occur.
the other hand, some investigators have attempted to use inhaled
steroids during the acute course of bronchiolitis or in the weeks
following the acute illness, with the aim of decreasing
post-bronchiolitis cough and wheezing. Based on the
findings of several such studies, there is no role for the use of
inhaled steroids in these situations, where the treatment is aimed at
infants with acute viral bronchiolitis who have no previous history of
Antiviral therapy
Ribavirin is an anti-viral drug with activity against RSV and some other viruses. It works by interfering with the virus’s ability to replicate. It was used commonly in the mid-1980s through the early 1990s in infants hospitalized with RSV bronchiolitis. Subsequent
studies, however, showed that ribavirin does not appreciably shorten
the course of hospitalization for infants with RSV bronchiolitis. By the time an infant with RSV infection is brought to medical attention, viral replication has nearly peaked. Thus, administration of the anti-viral therapy does little to hasten the reduction of viral load. Ribavirin is expensive and somewhat cumbersome to use. The
one area in which it may confer some benefit is in a case of RSV
bronchiolitis so severe that the infant requires mechanical ventilation.
There is a handful of studies that suggest that those infants who
developed respiratory failure
and required mechanical ventilation from RSV bronchiolitis got better
faster and experienced shorter courses of mechanical ventilation with
ribavirin use versus those who received a placebo. The
information is not straightforward, however, because the infants in the
placebo groups received inhaled fluids that may have worsened their
courses. Furthermore, the therapy, especially in this setting, has
potential complications; ribavirin is delivered via a small particle
aerosol generator over several hours. The particles can clog small endotracheal tubes or interfere with the proper working of mechanical ventilators. If
used for intubated infants in respiratory failure, meticulous attention
must be paid to maintaining patency of the breathing tube and making
sure the ventilator components work properly.
Other therapies
Other interventions have either been studied in small series or published in case reports (9). Because
of the small numbers of patients in which they have been investigated,
they cannot be considered as standard therapy for bronchiolitis at
One such therapy is the inhalation of hypertonic saline. Hypertonic
saline increases the water content of secretions by drawing fluid from
inside airway lining cells into the airway lumen. Those
infants who were given nebulized 3% saline along with epinephrine
(another type of bronchodilator) had faster resolution of symptoms than
infants given epinephrine alone (10). Several trials have now been published that support the effectiveness of hypertonic saline in infants with bronchiolitis.
another instance, a small number of infants at risk for respiratory
failure from bronchiolitis were treated with a mixture of helium and
oxygen (heliox), which has a lower density than air (composed of about
79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen). That property results in a decreased resistance in airways where the flow of air is turbulent. The
infants treated with heliox demonstrated lower respiratory rates and
heart rates, and were able to leave the intensive care unit sooner than
those infants receiving oxygen-enriched air. The heliox
did not alter the course of bronchiolitis, but it made breathing easier
for the infants while the disease ran its course.
Prevention of Bronchiolitis
are simple yet effective and inexpensive interventions that can
decrease the risk of acquiring an RSV illness. Transmission of RSV is
from hand (touching infected secretions or surfaces) to nose, so hand
washing is a highly effective way to prevent spread of infection. Some viruses like influenza can be spread in small droplets that remain suspended in the air when an infected person coughs. Avoidance
of crowded locations during the winter virus season, and avoidance of
people with obvious upper respiratory illness are two other ways to
reduce the risk of an infant acquiring an acute viral respiratory
infection. Factors recognized to increase an infant’s risk
of acquiring a severe RSV infection include day care attendance, having
young siblings who attend day care or school, exposure to second hand
tobacco smoke both pre- and post-natally, absence of breast feeding,
crowded living conditions, and multiple births. Some of
these factors are avoidable, like environmental tobacco smoke exposure.
It would be desirable for infants at high risk for serious RSV disease
to avoid day care attendance until they are older, but this may not be
feasible for certain families.
there are no effective vaccines that confer active immunity against
most of the common viruses that cause bronchiolitis, other than the
influenza vaccine. For infants at high risk for severe RSV
disease, however, passive immunoprophylaxis (disease prevention by the
development of immunity through administration of an antibody against
the virus) with an engineered monoclonal antibody is available. Injections of the drug, called palivizumab, must be given monthly throughout the RSV epidemic season. In
infants born prematurely, infants with chronic lung disease following
neonatal respiratory distress (often called bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
or BPD), and in infants with congenital heart disease, palivizumab has
been shown in large randomized studies to reduce the incidence of
hospitalization for severe RSV bronchiolitis (11, 12). Because
palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody, it is only effective against RSV,
and so does not confer protection against the other viruses that
commonly cause bronchiolitis. Additionally, palivizumab does not prevent infection with RSV: rather, it reduces the chance that the upper respiratory infection will progress to a severe lower respiratory tract infection. Palivizumab
is expensive, and so guidelines have been proposed to maximize the
effectiveness of the therapy by targeting those groups at greatest risk
for severe RSV disease (13). These include:
- Infants born at less than or equal to 28 weeks gestation, without chronic lung disease, who are 12 months of age or younger at the start of the RSV season
- Infants born between 29 and 32 weeks gestation, without chronic lung disease, who are six months or younger at the start of the RSV season
- Infants between 32 and 35 weeks gestation, without chronic lung disease, who are six months or younger at the start of the RSV season, and who have at least two risk factors for acquiring an RSV infection
- Infants with chronic lung disease who are 24 months of age or younger at the start of the RSV season, and who have received treatment (i.e., supplemental oxygen, diuretics, bronchodilators) within six months of the RSV season
- Infants with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease (commonly defined as those infants who require medications to treat their heart disease) who are 24 months of age or younger at the start of the RSV season
are guidelines. Occasionally infants with special conditions who are
felt by their physicians to be at increased risk for severe RSV disease –
or those who have one of the above conditions but fall slightly outside
of the guidelines – are also treated with palivizumab.
Respiratory symptoms after bronchiolitis
those infants who have an episode of bronchiolitis, as many as 60% will
experience recurrent episodes of wheezing over the first few years of
life. This is especially true of infants who developed bronchiolitis from RSV infection. RSV,
however, is not the only agent that has been associated with persistent
or recurrent lower respiratory tract symptoms in children who
experience infection in early life. Other early viral
infections most notably with rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus,
parainfluenza, and influenza A have all been associated with increased
risk for subsequent chronic lower respiratory tract symptoms. Because
RSV is the most common infection associated with bronchiolitis and
subsequent recurrent wheezing, however, most studies have concentrated
on host responses to that virus. For
example, careful prospective epidemiological studies have shown that
the frequency of wheezing illnesses is significantly greater among those
infants who experienced even a mild RSV LRTI within the first three
years of life compared with those who never had RSV bronchiolitis (14). This
effect lasts through the first decade, but by 13 years of age,
differences in frequency of wheezing illnesses can no longer be
demonstrated between the groups of children who did and those who did
not experience an RSV LRTI in infancy.
an association between bronchiolitis in infancy and recurrent episodes
of wheezing has been recognized for almost 40 years, a cause and effect
relationship has yet to be established. The question is:
does RSV infection somehow alter the host so that on subsequent
presentation of viral or other antigens, the host develops a wheezing
response and airway inflammation? On the other hand, is
wheezing in an infant infected with RSV just a marker for someone
predisposed to do this with other illnesses throughout life? The
topic is one of intense investigation and of tremendous importance,
since a causal relationship would suggest that preventing bronchiolitis
in infancy could reduce the incidence of asthma later in life (15).
viral lower respiratory tract infections cause recurrent wheezing or
asthma, then the initial infection must alter either airway biology or
the host’s immune response. Several animal and human
studies suggest that both alterations may exist, and that these
mechanisms need not be mutually exclusive. Experimental
viral infection of the respiratory tract will cause bronchospasm (an
abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, which usually
results in wheezing or cough) in otherwise healthy adults when exposed
to irritants, an effect that can last for weeks after the infection. Similar findings have been demonstrated in animal models. In
addition, RSV has been shown to increase production in the lung of the
receptor for Substance P, a chemical mediator of the non-adrenergic,
non-cholinergic excitatory system that causes bronchospasm, edema
(swelling), release of inflammatory mediators, and recruitment of
inflammatory cells into the airway upon its release.
The timing of the initial RSV infection may be a critical factor for how the body responds to subsequent infections. The
immune system matures after birth, and it has been postulated that
certain infections can drive the immune system towards either an
allergic or non-allergic response when it is presented with other
infections or antigens subsequently. In several animal
studies, respiratory infection with RSV soon after birth, but not later
in life, causes the animal to respond to subsequent RSV infections with a
prominent allergic-type response. Missing from this line
of reasoning is evidence that RSV (or other viruses) also increases the
likelihood for those infected early in life to develop allergies. Most
studies do not show an increased incidence of skin test positivity to
common allergens in older children who experienced an RSV LRTI in
infancy. Nevertheless, it is compelling to think that by
delaying an RSV illness until later in childhood, when the immune system
has passed a critical period in its maturation process, recurrent
wheezing illnesses or asthma could be avoided.
That very point has recently been addressed. Investigators
retrospectively reviewed the outcomes of infants in several centers
across Europe who were eligible to receive palivizumab, at a time when
the drug was not universally available (16). In
this way, they could compare populations of infants born prematurely
who were otherwise healthy, and distinguished from each other by whether
or not they had received palivizumab. The infants who
received prophylaxis were found to be about half as likely to have
experienced three or more recurrent wheezing illnesses over the ensuing
24 months as those infants who did not receive prophylaxis, whether the
latter group required hospitalization for bronchiolitis or not. This is only one study in a narrowly defined group, and the findings will have to be confirmed in larger samples of children. If,
however, prevention of bronchiolitis in infancy does indeed lead to a
reduction in asthma and recurrent wheezing illnesses in later childhood,
the improvement in long term respiratory health and reduction in health
care costs could be enormous.
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