NIH: With
shorter days and dropping temperatures, it is important to keep in mind
that older adults are particularly vulnerable to the health risks that
can come with cold weather. Hypothermia—a dangerous drop in core body
temperature—can occur when it is too cold outside or the body is unable
to produce the heat it needs to function. Older adults and those with
chronic medical conditions are especially susceptible to hypothermia,
even after relatively short exposure to cold weather or a small drop in
body temperature. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) has some tips to avoid some of the dangers.
Warning signs of hypothermia include: slowed or slurred speech; sleepiness or confusion; shivering or stiffness in the arms and legs; poor control over body movements; slow reactions, a weak pulse, or a core body temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Here are a few tips to help older people prevent hypothermia:
The NIA has free information about hypothermia, including the brochure Stay Safe in Cold Weather, the fact sheet Hypothermia: A Cold Weather Hazard, and a fact sheet in Spanish La hipotermia: un peligro del clima frío. You can read these and other free publications on healthy aging on the NIA website or order free copies by calling NIA's toll-free number 1-800-222-2225.
Warning signs of hypothermia include: slowed or slurred speech; sleepiness or confusion; shivering or stiffness in the arms and legs; poor control over body movements; slow reactions, a weak pulse, or a core body temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Here are a few tips to help older people prevent hypothermia:
- Make sure your home is warm enough. Some experts suggest that, for older people, the temperature be set to at least 68 degrees. (Read more below about help in keeping your house warm.)
- To stay warm at home, wear long underwear under your clothes, along with socks and slippers. Use a blanket or afghan to keep your legs and shoulders warm and wear a hat or cap indoors.
- Check with your doctor to see if any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking may increase your risk for hypothermia.
- When going outside in the cold, it is important to wear a hat, scarf, and gloves or mittens to prevent loss of body heat through your head and hands. Wear several layers of loose clothing to help trap warm air between the layers.
- If possible, let others know when you're planning to spend time outdoors and carry a fully charged cellphone.
The NIA has free information about hypothermia, including the brochure Stay Safe in Cold Weather, the fact sheet Hypothermia: A Cold Weather Hazard, and a fact sheet in Spanish La hipotermia: un peligro del clima frío. You can read these and other free publications on healthy aging on the NIA website or order free copies by calling NIA's toll-free number 1-800-222-2225.