- Anemia is a condition in which the hemoglobin content of the blood is lower than normal as a result of
- deficiency of one or more essential nutrients (iron, vitamin...),
- heavy blood loss (bleeding, hemorrhage),
- chronic blood loss : ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis, cancer, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen, which can cause ulcers and gastritis, excessive menstruation, childbirth especially if there are multiple pregnancies
- parasitic infections such as hookworm infestations,
- acute and chronic infections
- chronic renal failure
- congenital hemolytic diseases (eg sickle cell anemia).
- Bone marrow and stem cell problems such as leukemia
- Globally, anemia is a public health problem affecting people in both developed and developing countries with bad consequences of human health as well as social and economic development.
- Anemia is a critical health concern because it affects growth and energy levels adversely .
- At least half of anemia worldwide is due to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is due primarily to a lack of bio-available dietary iron or increased requirements such as during childhood and pregnancy .
- Anemia increases risk for maternal and child mortality and has negative consequences on the cognitive and physical development of children, and on work productivity in adults .
- Clinical signs of anemia include breathlessness, dizziness, and perceived paleness or change of skin color
- It damages immune mechanisms and is also associated with increased morbidity.
- It occurs at all age groups, but is more prevalent in pregnant women and children.
- Especially, young children from low income families have a higher risk for developing anemia due to iron deficiency that occurs as a result of high demand for iron during the period of rapid growth.
- Anemia is known to be a significant global problem affecting 305 million (25.4%) school age children. Globally, anemia affects 1.62 billion (24.8%) of the population , and an estimated 36% of developing world’s population suffers from this disease.
- Sources: Jemal A Haidar and Rebecca S Pobocik. BMC Hematology / Selomon Assefa, Andualem Mossie. BMC Hematology
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